I wanted to throw a suprised birthday party for Patrick recently but I failed miserably. I guess when you are around each other so often that I realized it could be hard to be a surprise anymore for it is bound to be discovered, that little secret mission of yours. That was what happened to me, to be exact. Anyway, I wanted this year's birthday celebration to be a little different, and also the fact that I missed some of my old friends quite a fair bit. When you move along with your daily life, you tend to be less reachable for everyone is occupied with the mundane life of earning a living. I got some of our very first work colleague together and these are some of the most memorable first bunch of friends whom I had made in my first job, after graduation! Sid came in the next day after me, and later turned out to be Patrick and my best friend in sharing our passion and love for films. Joey, always busy working away infront of her PC but would be "crazy" enough to offer herself to be the female "victim" in our small little horror movie we eventually made while working there. My most memorable memory of Gary has always been his keen interest in entertaining us all with his jokes and advices, and lots of interesting stories. Fung will always be the inquisitive and charming supporter of all. Boy, we had fun back then, we created our own small FILM CLUB fondly called E=MC2 where we would screen movies once a week at the mini theatre, we enlisted ourselves in a short film appreciation course offered by the infamous PATRICK TAM, who was co-incidentally, working there, under a different division - script development. We were bombarded with more foreign films, films that we would not have had a chance to watch if it were not for the classes then. Looking back, though I was never in the film and TV department, I was blessed enough for that first job was the one that fueled my passion for the moving images, and for now, which I still harbour the hope to one day excel in my own world of movie making! Thanks friends, for coming back again, for the sake of good old times, and see, now that we have extended our circles to more kids, and new little friendships along the way! I had a great time that day, I sincerely hope that the birthday "boy" had experienced the same too.