Monday, September 19, 2005

Iron Jawed Angels

Women in the spirit of strength and courage. I have just watched an outstanding and truly moving piece of film by a HBO production on ASTRO. Iron Jawed Angels, based on real events in the US in the 1920s, during the World War I, is a film about a group of women coming together (suffragists) to fight for the right to vote for women in the States back then. Hilary Swank plays the lead and real life woman called Alice Paul, together with her close friend, Lucy Burns (played by Frances O'Connor) took centre stage when they and the rest of the women were jailed and force-fed in prison and this created a massive response from the media as well as the public (especially women), hence brought forward the realization of the 19th Amendment.

A beautiful piece of film by Katja von Garnier, top-norch acting and excellent cinematography but most surprisingly is the intriguing use of modern contemporary music and songs to accompany a period film. It is sometimes delightful to discover how visuals and sound can be cleverly manipulated to collide in order to create an opposite attraction to one another.
Co-incidentally, I was also able to catch Mona Lisa's Smile early this afternoon, starring Julia Roberts. Another inspirational film, empowering women in so many ways. It makes you open your mind and wonder, what true potentials women have, possessed in us and how it would make a difference in this world if we had only begin to fully utilize them, in any way we can, to truly define the meaning of our existence, our contribution in this life time and the realization of this SELF that are alive within each and every one of us - woman. I love being a woman, despite of all the hardships we have to about you?

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