Thursday, June 15, 2006

Heaven is just a distance away

In these two to three days time, great things are about to happen. My brother is getting married and this is our family very first church wedding - very surreal yet a sense of mysterious feeling of heaviness looms over me. I can't seem to comprehend the reason behind this. A day after that, I would be thrown into another world of a different nature - back to doing something a little less exciting as staying back home in KL, writing my blog, surfing the net and writing and running around town finishing up my projects, among other more seemingly insignificant chores, yet, have made up a big part of my life back here in KL. It feels like all these have become a structure of building blocks that I have stacked up myself, and once a piece of it is taken out of the whole balanced equation, the whole structure will just tumble down miserably. As much as I want to believe that I dislike living a fast pace city life, I am compelled to be drawn to it, involuntarily. Is it the never ending activities and entertainment you are constantly being bombarded with that makes the difference or could it just be the serenity I feel whenever I am back at my own little small home and my tiny secured yet vulnerable world of solitude? Nonetheless, if you ever have time, catch a movie like this Japanese one called Heaven's Bookstore and you will be pleasantly rewarded, emotionally, especially towards the end. Most Japanese films have a great build up to the ending of each film and the paid off is almost, always fulfilling. And they say all those who indulge in films or the world of moving images are fools and dreamers. Am I not one? The answer is almost a definite YES...

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