Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Sweetness of Young Love

Honey and Clover (2006), Japanese
Directed by Masahiro Takada
Starring Sho Sakurai, Yu Aoi, Yusuke Iseya, Ryo Kase and Megumi Seki
Paint love in the shades of different colours, brushes away the strokes of naivete towards someone so near yet so far, you thought love should be like this - silently, buried in the deepest corner of your heart. Words seem to fade into the background, blend into the rest of the bigger picture. They turn into soft whispers in the ears. Red - passion, love, blue - innocent, freedom, creativity, green - natural, openness and new, yellow, orange, black, too many, too fast, too fierce! Colours collide, emotions overflow with intense weight of this secret love, so much so that it cuts and leave all our characters incomplete and confused. The creative mind cease to breathe, the retarded brain jolts to a start, it dashes in full speed, thinking that all strains of thoughts could easily be fabricated, duplicated and multiplied. But no creative mind could ever be conquered. The sparks stay quiet, only for a brief moment, and they will burst into a dance of rainbow colours, all because of the love for arts and you begin to somehow understand the art of falling in love, the courage very much needed to brighten the dullest form of love. Each time you fall, you pick yourself up, and move on, courageously. Love the vibrant colours in the film, love the characters and the complicated yet intricate love relationships they share with each other, most of all, love the music of love, ultimately.

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