Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hear My Voice

An album from Wang Lee Hom. I have seen him performed live some years ago, when I was working with an entertainment portal, covering mainly entertainment news and events or concerts.

My vivid memory of the concert that night was him playing the violin with the orchestra. He was extremely charismatic and talented. He was so absorbed in his playing that it seemed to affect the audiences, well, at least, I was completely mesmorized by his playing and singing.

Although this album is entirely in Japanese and I have no clue what he is singing, I do believe music has no border. In fact, a friend recently commented something which rings true to the bone to me. He said, "Always remember, music has no boundaries and no race..."
I absolutely agree with him. It reminds me also of an old wise friend from Hong Kong, who said music is the purest form of art. I guess music soothes the mind and has the ability to fill the heart of an empty soul. Let there be beautiful notes in our lives.

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