Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Don't Love You No More (I'm Sorry)

When is the very moment that you know and you just know, from your gut feeling (or we women quite instinctively called instinct) that the person is the ONE, the one that you would fall head over heels with, the one you would pour your heart and soul out with, no matter what happens? When is that moment? Could it be the moment that would change your life forever? For most people, I think it would be. The moment in point where things will definitely change, the course of your life could be altered all together. But what constitute that particular decisive moment? Only you know. What if that very moment passes you by, like it passes Julia Roberts by in My Best Friend's Wedding, while she was talking to her long-time-old pal who was going to marry Cameran Diaz but not her? The moment the merciless afternoon sun hit right on her face, the moment when the boat came out of the shade underneath a bridge above, she was no longer in the shadow...that was the moment she had missed, and she knew, he was out of her life - forever. That was one of the most significant scenes I remembered of that film. It is amazing how at times, film is so much like life itself, it is the small little moments that we could (or could not) capture through the film lenses and, the chemistry between the two characters (we so often called actors). Aren't we all actors in this great huge STAGE called LIFE? What if you don't love the person whom you promised to love for the rest of your life anymore? What will that moment be then, to make you decide that love should end? It is ironic how catchy and nonchalantly the way Craig David sang the song called Don't Love You No More (I'm Sorry), yet to most people, the lost of love, or the void of it, simply shreds one into thousand pieces. Surprisingly, I liked the sound of the tune...

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