I Want Happiness
I Want Happiness. What a sweet title for an album. Her voice has come home to her original style - pure, simple, direct and clean. It hits right into my soul of existence and presents the truth in the purpose of delivering music - to sooth and to uplift. It seems like almost every one of us living human being desires this one single element called happiness, but surprisingly, not all of us get to taste the ultimate happiness for it comes in so many shapes and forms, and it flows within our own perception of what could be termed happiness. Happiness can be as simple as the flow of each moving images captured through our eyes, every single minute seconds, or it could be as complicated as achieving nirvana in the journey of truth in life - so direct yet so illusive all together. But I guess nothing is more captivating than what happiness can bring and trigger in the mind when all senses are awaken to our simple realization that happiness can only be found if we had looked within and not without.
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