Friday, September 14, 2007

The Possibilities Of Imagination

Aidan and Ryan has been busy toying with their drawing skills. I could see their creative juice is gradually flowing in them. Here are some of the sketches they have come up with on the PC. The imaginative mind of a child is amazingly powerful and expressive. It speaks softly to you, yet it spells a great degree of sensibility. Their innocent perspectives towards everyday things around them, at times, intrigue and remind us that we used to have this same quality in us. But then, it was such a long time ago, as if we have left it all locked up in a treasure closet, awaiting to be released any moment. They draw without reservations, without any caution, without prejudice and judgement. Ryan has his own version of batman, while Aidan sees a waiter serving a customer, and another man sitting down drinking his coffee. What do you see in these drawings?


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn, Thanks for visiting my blog.. yeah you can definitely put a link to your blog, in fact, I feel honoured! :) Yr kids are definitely starting to show the creativity genes. It's been ages since we've seen each other, so much have changed! Looking forward to reading more about yr life thru yr blog.

JeannLiew | Luminnej said...

you too, take care! we will catch up soon-:)

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