Sunday, November 25, 2007

Broken Words

Inspiration inspired that could hardly be captured and pinned down with a thought that lingers, and most definitely could hardly be weighed down by the lightness of wandering madness of endless ideas. One could only look beyond the horizon, and re imagine the unspoken. Visuals keep flashing, music sings to the beat of the creative thought process, only to be crushed by the waves of harsh reality. Could mundane and mediocre be the fault of all this sudden rock bottom of the spirit that smells like damped laundry? Truly believe the art of writing is the originality of the voices: the voices of utmost out of this world kind of logic. It may not make any sense at all for the ordinary, but could fit perfectly well in a bigger jigsaw puzzle of the universe of language - the language of the abstract mind. Yet, the writing mind is heavily disturbed by the oversimplified of the everyday life, the responsibilities that are required to be fulfilled. How the mind wishes to just run away, escape and go on a journey of the unknown, the far away land of eternity, escape into a world of no limits, no expectations, where ideas could roam freely, without the crutches of the shattered disappointment. It catches the brightest sunlight, it reflects the more invisible of the visible - it breathes meaning to the beauty of loss words, yet words seem lost beneath such beauty.

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