Monday, November 15, 2010

Eat Pray Love and Think of Cloud

It was one of those days that I have to spend it on watching a film in the cinema. I have heard of quite some not-that-great comments about EAT PRAY LOVE the movie but would still wanted to check it out myself. Having no prior notion of what it is all about, I mean the book (cause I have not read it), so I went in with not much expectation, except for Julia Roberts' acting as she has always been one of my favourite female actors. The film moves along quite expectantly. Although I believe most audience would fall in love with the Italy part of the film (me included), I somehow found that her India's journey was the most "uneventful" but surprisingly most significant and made an impact on me, especially the scene of the revelation of her friend. Bali was a standard lovely segment to admire. All in all, the film did speak to me, somehow, in an oddly personal and silent kind of level, yet, as a film, it seemed to remain a tag draggy and uneven in terms of story flow. I felt at some points, pretty close to Julia's character, yet, at other times, I only drifted along and felt detached. It does make me feel as though life is like a huge puzzle, you can only pick up and rearrange your pieces as you go along, yet, without realizing, we are already having our destiny made along the way. Life is not just like a box of chocolate, it is also like a puzzle! Charlie St. Cloud on the other hand is not great but quite a light romantic mysterious kind of feel-good movie that made my other afternoon a more vibrant one. I love the underlying subject matter of guilt and brotherly love that was attached to Zac's character. It has a sense of refreshing idea, feels like the scent that comes with the breezy wind of the ocean - dreamy and obviously real. I hope to catch up with more great films to come.

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